Sunday, January 12, 2020


Description: There is a YouTube channel called Numberphile. It's all about interesting things in mathematics, and is one of several channels run by Brady Haran.  Being a math(s) channel, many of their videos feature playing cards, and they will often illustrate them instead of showing real cards.  These illustrations became a real deck.

The face cards feature some of the popular people on Numberphile. This deck was the project deck that I was working on a year ago.  I was trying to get the autographs of all  the people on the face of the cards.  I've got quite a few, as seen below, but I haven't been able to reach three people.

I also couldn't reach Dr Hannah Fry and Brady Haran, but Dr. James Grime offered to help out.  So I sent him cards for Dr. Fry and Brady.  I just recently received Dr. Fry's card, but Brady's is still "in the wild" so to speak. I can't think Dr. Grime enough for his help in getting these two cards autographed, but if you are reading this, Dr. Grime, thank you again.

I also owe a special thanks to Matt Parker.  When I sent the cards to Dr. Grime, I sent them to him through Matt via his business Maths Gears.  That meant that Matt had to meet up with Dr. Grime and hand them off to him.  So, if you're reading this, Matt, thank you again.

Dr. Grime receiving the cards from Matt Parker

(I did buy two decks on this one, so the Brady Haran you see below is from the second deck.)

Also below, a few of the folks who sent back cards included quick notes.

Everyone I did reach was super nice, and thought it was a great idea. They are all wonderful people.

If I ever get these last four cards autographed, I'm going to mount them in some sort of a frame as a display.

Dr. James Grime

Dr. Hannah Fry

Dr. Tadashi Tokieda

Dr. Tony Padillo

Dr. Holly Kriege

Dr. Carlo Séquin
Brady Haran

Dr. Katie Steckles

Dr. David Eisenbud

Dr. Federico Ardila

Dr. Zvezdelina Stankova 
Dr. Cliff Stoll

Matt Parker

Simon Pampena

A note from Dr. Holly Kriege  
A note from Dr. Hannah Fry

A note from Dr. Cliff  Stoll