Saturday, January 11, 2020

Kennedy Kards

Description: I am shamelessly stealing this description from here.

The “Kennedy Kards” political deck by Humor House, Inc., featuring gently satirical portrayals of the Kennedy clan. It was made in 1963, prior to President Kennedy's assassination, but not published until after his death. In addition to JFK, the court cards depict Bobby, Teddy, Papa Joe, the wives (Jackie, Ethel, Joan, Rose), Peter Lawford, and LBJ. JFK is depicted on the King of Hearts, the King of Diamonds, and the Ace of Spades.
The deck has 52 suited cards, plus 1 Joker (the Democratic Party donkey!), plus an extra card. The cards are bridge size, measuring 90mm x 58mm, and come in the original box.
The extra card is ironic, to say the least, in light of events subsequent in the same year. It reads:
“The royalty of playing cards has variously represented Adam, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, Helen of Troy, Pallas Athena and others. Our own national leaders and heroes have been occasionally commemorated on face cards.
"The Kennedy Kards have been conceived within this tradition and confirm what voters have said in recent elections -- we have a new JACK of Hearts. "The White House is now a full house. Long live the King, the Queen, and the Jack!"

Number of decks: 1

Open?: Yes