Saturday, January 11, 2020

Cozumel, Mexico

Description: This is another deck from our trip to Mexico. We stopped in Cozumel (obviously) and went on an excursion to some Mayan temples. It was amazing, but it was a lot of walking.  Near the equator (OK, not really near, but below the Tropic of Cancer). In August. It was HOT.  I don't do well in the heat.  And, I was out of shape. So I sweat. A lot. And that meant I got dehydrated. And that meant I got a really, really bad headache. It was awful.

When we finished the tour, and headed back to port, I told the family that I couldn't stay with them.  I had to go back to the ship.  I needed to get into some AC and get some hydration.  And take some pain killer.

But there's a store you have to go through to get back to the ship.  I knew I'd never be back in Cozumel, so despite the situation I was in, I found this deck and took it home.

Number of decks: 1

Open?:  No