Sunday, March 8, 2020
Gilded Woman
Description: This deck comes in a nondescript gold and back box, and features a lovely illustration of a woman on the back. What makes this deck special to me is the fact that the sides are gilded in a golden color.
The Ace of Spades shows that this deck is from The New York Consolidated Card Company, and features a date code of "K3621".
According to the Bicycle website, the New York Consolidated Card Company was absorbed by the United States Playing Card Company in 1930. So that puts this deck as being made in 1930 or earlier.
According to, the "K" date code indicates either 1928 or 1908. I did a reverse image search on Google, and there was at one time an eBay listing for these cards listing them from the 1920's. So these cards are 92 years old! They are the oldest cards in my collection.
Number of decks: 1
Open?: Yes